Wednesday 2 January 2008

New Year - New Blog

Happy New Year 2008

I thought I would write a blog about family life, and as it is a new year what better time to start.
Let me intorduce you to the family. Pete (37), Georgina (30), Hannah (2) and Joshua (7 months)

The year has already started with somewhat of a bang. Yesterday (New Years Day) we went to buy a car (who buys a car on new years day - well some people). Anyway we got an hour into our journey when the old one broke down - smoke coming from the engine, we managed to pull up onto the hard shoulder of the motorway, got the kids out and spent the next 45 mins waiting for the breakdown truck to arrive. The kids did very well waiting in the cold on a wet grassy bank. Joshua did get a little upset towards the end but once he was inside the warm cab he soon calmed down. The kids and I got taken back home with the poorly car and Pete and his Dad (who kindly jumped in his car from Gloucester to help us out) carried on to Surrey. Pete did pick the car up and got back home by 9pm.

Today (Jan 2nd) we went ice-skating with a friends children and took Hannah along as well. She loved it and they had special skates which fitted over her shoes. After taking Hannah off the ice I said to Pete I'll go for one more time round and then come off. A short way round the rink CRASH, BANG, & WALLOP and that was my head hitting the ice. I now have a nice bump and on the back of my head and bruising to the lower part of my body. I have to stay up till 11 o'clock to make sure I'm not feeling unwell.

Lets just hope the year gets better!!!!!

1 comment:

Dan, Misty & Ashar said...

It's so fun to hear updates on you and your clan. What an adventure to start the year off with! Happy New Year!

Misty Hodgs (Lewis)