Saturday, 8 May 2010

Today was the Women's Conforence - Free to be - @ Church today. It has been an emotional up & down kind of day. Bringing up loads of things for me to think about/work through. How I feel about myself, my valuation of myself. I know it in my head, the theroy but but in practise it is so much harder to feel worth. To look at myself in the mirror and not think how ugly are you. It is harder to feel that I'm not an irritation and a burden to the people around me. I dont want Hannah to struggle with these issues yet how can I teach her to have confidence in herself both physically, mentally & emotionally when I dont have any in myself. I know that I shouldn't think on these things and that its not Godly to think these things but sometimes it just comes out of my mouth. I dont want to be speaking these things in my house as it wont help Hannah to grow up with a healthy sense of worth. I know I need to spend more quality time with her, to learn about her and get to know her better. I know I need to get back to the basics and put God into the centre of it all.

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