Thursday, 13 March 2008

The car has done it again.

Well its been a while since I last wrote. Not a lot has happend from then until now. I have a job working for 'The Golden Arches', yep I have a McJob. I am a lobby assistant, my job is basically to keep the restuarant looking clean and tidy and the customers happy. I am working 3 days a week totalling about 16 hrs each week. I started on Monday and so far things seem ok, but I have only been there for 2 shifts so I can't really say much else.

Anyway .... the weekend......................
This weekend gone was the church weekend. Pete had the day off and we intended on being there a 4pm ish. Where shall I start.......... the car, the kids. I'll start with Josh.
On Wednesday he was sick, just as I was leaving the house to go to my orientation for my job. He was sick again that evening, on thursday afternoon and then friday morning. I got an appointment for him at the doctors who said it was probably viral. (not a lot can be done in that case) Josh was sick on the saturday and on sunday was under strict orders to have only bread and water. I felt really bad for him as he is only 9 months old but he wasn't sick so it did help.
Now for the car...................
It had sprung a leak in the water and Pete identified the problem as a being a crack in the thermostat housing. After making a few phone calls we discovered we could only buy the part we needed from the dealer at £70. Pete thought he would do his own repair and fixed it with superglue!!!. (I wasn't convinced by this at all) At 3.30 we left to go away. After buying new tyres for the car we hit the road as they say and headed onto the motorway. About half hour later I put the fans on in the car but no hot air was coming out and then suddenly the water light came on and the car stalled and wouldn't start again as it was too hot. This was in the middle lane of the motorway!!!! Fortumately a lorry driver was able to block the left hand lane and let us get onto the hard shoulder where we called out the breakdown people.
5pm the breakdown truck arrives. The traffic was piling up and so a few people were driving on the hard shoulder to get off at the junction quicker. Just as we moved off a car - who was trying to get ahead - pulled out into the truck so we were delayed further with the men taking details from each other. The recovery man took us to his base but couldn't take us home as his vehicle had to be taken off the road. 45 mins later another truck arrived to take us back home.
7pm arrived at in-laws. Mum had got pizza in the oven so we could feed the kids. After dinner Pete got the part for the car and fitted it. (Remember that expensive one from the dealer we had to buy)
9pm finally got the kids loaded into the car and off home.
Saturday at 5am we got up, loaded new things into the car, got the kids up and made our way towards Shropshire. All went well until 25 miles from our destination when the car started ejecting smoke from out of the exhaust!!!!!!! The car very wallawy but it did make it. The weekend it self was good and it was good to go away with friends from church. The car made it back to Gloucester ok although no-one stayed behind us as we chugged out black smoke. I will update you on the problem and when it gets solved.

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