Friday, 4 January 2008


Pete and I have two children, Hannah (2yrs 5 months) and Joshua (7 months).

Hannah has been potty training for the last few weeks and it was one challenge that I wasn't really looking forward to but it has gone fairly smoothly, Hannah has been dry in the day for quite a while but night times have been more difficult. Quite a few times Hannah has been wet in the morning and I think it is just as she is waking she doesn't get to the potty in time. This morning Hannah came into our bedroom and said 'Mummy, Hannah done a wee wee' and I thought 'Oh no - gonna have to change the sheets again' but then she added 'in her potty' and the relief I felt at her being dry was wonderful. She has been dry at night for 9 nights in a row now. Well done Hannah.

Joshua is just starting to make word sounds like da. He is getting more inquisitive and starting to assert himself with his sister. He is my gorgeous little boy. He has such a lovely little smile and giggle.

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