Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Reading Half Marathon

Well as the title says, I have signed up for the Reading Half Marathon. It is on March 20th 2011. A great way to celebrate turning 34. When submitting the form you have to predict your finishing time so they can place you in the correct zone. I have gone for 2hrs 30 mins. I had a finishing time of 75 mins for my 10km race in June and the half marathon is double this. I realise that doesn't automatically mean I should double the time but seeing as I have never ran this distance before its a base to start from. Hopefully, with training I should be able to loose some more weight and therefore with carrying less weight should be able to go faster. I shall be looking into some training programs and eating plans etc to help me reach my challenge.
Went for a run today and did 4.85 miles and managed to shave off 2 minutes which doesn't seem a lot but it requires a lot of energy as you have to go slightly faster but for more longer periods of time.
Here's to training for the next 5 months.

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.

In my Bible reading today the reading was taken from Genesis 1: 26-31 and 2: 18-25 where God created the world and saw that it was good. That includes me. Wow that is amazing. I have struggled for years with self-doubt about the way I look and whether I'm good at stuff. I see talented people doing things and just wish I could be that good, for example the worship team at church is awesome but I just don't think I could be that good and I know that I would struggle with it. I wish I was slimmer or prettier but its all MY opinion. I haven't done any bible reading notes for a few days but today picked up the notes and bible and read this verse
"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good"
We've been doing a series on the Orphan spirit at church in the last few weeks and it's about replacing our orphan spirit - one that says I'm not good enough - with a God spirit that says 'you are my son/daughter' 'an heir' and the bible reading notes for this month are all about the orphan spirit. Last week a situation at home came to a head and after setting of for church I came back before even getting there and just really felt like there no point in going because what would God want with someone like me.
Perhaps God is trying to speak to me. Maybe (just maybe) I might start listening.
Lets see what else He has to say over this next month.