Friday, 10 September 2010

New beginnings - growing up

September is often seen as a new year aas its the start of the new school term and activities start up again after the summer break. Kids go back to school in a new class and they have all gotten a year older. Hannah is now in Year 1 and I think we will start seeing how big a step up year 1 is compared to reception as she starts to get homework sent home as of Monday and spellings after half term.
The kids have spent all their lives sleeping in the same bedroom but for the past 6 months I have wanted to separate them and it has finally happenend. Joshua has his own bedroom and has settled well to sleeping in a big boy bed and on his own. He also started pre-school on thursday and received his first 'tificate for completing his 1st day. he is just so grown-up now, its hard to remember to let them do things for themselves. I keep doing things for them when they can do it themselves. The plus side is that I now get 3 mornings a week to myself for ME time. Aerobics, swimming, I may even get the ol' clarinet out and have a blow. Oohhh the excitement. I have two children becoming more independant - it must be time for another little one!!!!

Sunday, 5 September 2010

For I know the plans I have for you

I have been finding that difficult to believe of late. I wish God would tell us and tell other poeple who make the decisions cos it feels like no one is getting the message. Its all to do with Pete getting a job, since merging the business with someone else we have struggled financially and Pete has struggled to have a stable job - being made redundant several times. Now he is self-employed and so we struggle with the uncertainty of when and if pete is going to get work for the day. He has had job interviews which we thought he stood a good chance of getting but to no avail. Applied for so many and been turned down or not even short listed. So its no wonder that I struggle to believe the verse "For I know the plans I have for you", i wish it would say after "and I will tell all the appropriate people what they are - the ones who decide on jobs and you which job to apply for"
I have increased my hours at work - for what its worth - so work on the weekends but I just wish we could sell up and get rid of all our debts and start again. I dont know if anyone reads this but if you do please pray for us and our situation.